Vi ønsker å være en plattform som knytter sammen IBD-forskningsgrupper i Norge, både eksisterende og nye.
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Forskningsprofil Bergen/Haukeland Universitetssjukehus (HUS)
Forskningsgruppen skal gjennom klinisk forskning utvikle kunnskap om indremedisinske sykdommer med utgangspunkt i helseproblemer hos befolkningen sykehuset betjener.
IBSEN III-prosjektet er en stor, populasjonsbasert, observasjonell og prospektiv studie som er designet for å besvare sentrale spørsmål om forekomst, behandling og oppfølging av pasienter med inflammatorisk tarmsykdom (IBD).
The Inflammatory bowel diseases research group (IBD) studies disease mechanisms in inflammatory bowel diseases, and aims to use this knowledge in clinical medicine.
Gastromedisinsk forskningsgruppe er ledet av professor Jørgen Jahnsen. Gruppen består av 12 personer, åtte leger (en professor II, en 1.amanuensis, en postdoc, fem PhD-studenter) og fire studiesykepleiere.
Barnegastroenterologisk forskningsgruppe arbeider med basalmedisinske og kliniske studier knyttet til mage-tarm- og tarmflora (mikrobiota). Hovedfokuset er inflammatorisk tarmsykdom (eng. IBD).
Gastroenterologisk forskningsgruppe arbeider med studier knyttet til mage-/tarm- og leversykdommer. Hovedfokuset er inflammatorisk tarmsykdom (eng. IBD).
Gastroenterologisk seksjon på HUS har mange ulike forskningsgrupper med ulike interesseområder som bl.a fokuserer på irritabel tarm, bukspyttkjertel avansert endoskopi og inflammatorisk tarm (IBD).
The focus for the inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) research group is clinical epidemiology, prognostic research and patient-reported outcomes research within IBD (Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis).
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Petr Ricanek:
Leder NISG
Overlege, PhD Lovisenberg Diakonale Sykehus
Ignacio Catalán-Serra:
Nestleder NISG
Overlege, PhD
Levanger sykehus og NTNU
Christine Olbjørn:
Kasserer NISG
Overlege, PhD
Akershus universitetssykehus
Jan Nordby:
Sekretær NISG
Tore Grimstad:
Kasserer NISG
Overlege, Førsteamanuensis, PhD Stavanger universitetssjukehus
Marte Lie Høivik:
Overlege, Professor, PhD Oslo universitetssykehus, Ullevål
Hilde L von Volkmann: Overlege, PhD
Haukeland universitetssjukehus
Ann Elisabeth Østvik: Overlege, Førsteamanuensis, Phd St. Olavs hospital og NTNU 2022 – 2024 | Personvern | Cookies
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The Inflammatory bowel diseases research group (IBD) studies disease mechanisms in inflammatory bowel diseases, and aims to use this knowledge in clinical medicine.
The group’s work is based on a large, still expanding research biobank with tissue samples and blood fractions collected over several years. Research is done using all standard laboratory methods and cutting-edge techniques such as e.g advanced histological imaging, human organoids for mechanistic studies and transcriptomics/genomics.
Example projects are the effect of genetics on the inflammatory process, how hypoxia influences the epithelial barrier, the action and regulation of mucosal antimicrobial peptides and how the diffuse neuroendocrine system interacts with immune signaling in inflammatory bowel diseases. This work is done in collaboration with researchers at NTNU, researchers and clinicians at hospitals within the Central Norway Regional Health Authority, and several national and international partners.
The IBD research group is a translational environment, engaging clinicians and biologists in patient-centered research from bedside to the laboratory bench.
The IBD group receives large grants from The Liaison Committee for education, research and innovation in Central Norway. Some of the members in the research group are part of Centre of molecular inflammation research (CEMIR) at the Department of Clinical and Molecular Medicine (IKOM), the Inflammatory bowel diseases research group.
The research group has close collaboration with the hospitals in the region through the Clinical Academic Group (CAG) Precision medicine in inflammatory bowel disease.
The main goal of a CAG is to bring the research closer to the patients, and produce «patient-centered» results to be quickly implemented in the clinic.
A CAG is an Academic Clinical Research Group, which consists of researchers and clinicians from different universities and hospitals. The aim is to solve a concrete health problem and increase the quality within the field of clinical practice. CAG provides a strong professional network across healthcare settings from universities to everyday clinical work.
The first CAGs in Norway were established at the initiative of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU, according to a Danish model. The CAGs are supported both by the university (NTNU) and by the health trust (Central Norway Regional Health Authority), and intend to build strong clinical-academic interdisciplinary competence.
Diagnosis, treatment and multidisciplinary care of patients with IBD (ulcerative colitis and Crohn´s disease) is an important part of the activity of gastroenterology departments. Most patients are diagnosed with IBD at a young age and this means, for many, decades of active disease and treatment. In addition, a well-known problem in the clinic is that the course of the disease and the effect of treatments are difficult to predict. This heterogeneity is also a challenge in IBD research.
Our research team will use the CAG award to contribute to the development of precision medicine (individualized approach) for IBD patients by continuing our translational research on carefully controlled patient material.
CAG-IBD will contribute to unite gastroenetrology departments in the region and experienced IBD researchers in one joint group for patient-focused translation research with the National Patient Organization for Digestive Diseases (LMF) as support.
CAG-IBD will contribute to unite gastroenetrology departments in the region and experienced IBD researchers in one joint group for patient-focused translation research with the National Patient Organization for Digestive Diseases (LMF) as support.
From the clinical perspective, the goal is that all departments establish standardized diagnostics, follow-up and treatment decision protocols for patients with IBD. The clinical process will train clinicians in evidence-based gastroenterology, and bring non-university hospitals towards cutting-edge IBD diagnostics and treatment. In parallel, the project seeks to train IBD nurses to ensure optimal patient care.
We will collect clinical information and biological samples from diagnosis and at set times throughout the course of the disease. The project will create a particularly well-controlled, longitudinal biobank for IBD research aimed at clarifying prognostic factors, predicting treatment response and understanding disease mechanisms. This cohort thus meets the widely acknowledged need for precisely characterized clinical and biological research material, and will create opportunities for research collaboration both nationally and internationally.
1.Histopathology Unit
The Histopathology Unit explores the use of histological indexing and both traditional and advanced molecular pathology to identify patient subgroups, and integrates this with clinical data, genetic/genomics and patient-derived ex vivo studies. This will facilitate in-depth understanding of underlying biological differences and disease heterogeneity.
As part of this, we collaborate with Dept. of Pathology, St. Olavs Hospital, to develop the use of digital computational pathology to enable automated and more accurate image analysis of tissue samples for research and in the clinic. Our aim is to identify clinically relevant histopathological markers and provide pathologists with complementary tools to help release the highly unexplored potential for more precise and personalized diagnostics in IBD.
Objectives for ongoing research activities:
2.Genetics and Genomics Unit
In this unit, we explore how genes and gene expression in IBD patients differ from healthy controls. We are also interested in what gene variants and gene expression within the IBD patient cohort can tell us about each individual’s disease prognosis and treatment response.
We perform large genome and gene expression analyses of patient samples and patient-derived cell cultures and correlate these results with clinical observations identifying genes and processes that can be used clinically for improved, more precise treatment and diagnosis. Identified processes and gene variants are followed up to better understand the mechanisms underlying the observed difference. All studies are performed in close collaboration with the other units within CAG-IBD, as well as the clinic.
Objectives for ongoing research activities:
3.Cell and Molecular Biology Unit
In this unit we explore microbiota-host interactions and IBD patient-derived ex vivo model systems for individual characteristics and differences in immunological and drug responses. We perform a range of advanced molecular analyses of patient material; and use state-of-the-art patient-derived models for functional studies to understand how interactions between microbiota, intestinal epithelium and immune cells disturb or contribute to inflammation, regeneration of the intestinal epithelium and mucosal healing in IBD. The work is performed in close collaborations with the other research units in the CAG-IBD.
Objectives for ongoing research activities:
Gastromedisinsk forskningsgruppe er ledet av professor Jørgen Jahnsen. Gruppen består av 12 personer, åtte leger (en professor II, en 1.amanuensis, en postdoc, fem PhD-studenter) og fire studiesykepleiere.
Størstedelen av forskningsaktiviteten er relater til inflammatorisk tarmsykdom (IBD), men det forskes også på cøliaki og leversykdommer. Vi er involvert i basalforskning, så vel som klinisk forskning og medikamentutprøving i diverse legemiddelstudier. I basalforskningen fokuserer vi på prognostiske faktorer for sykdomsforløp og behandlingseffekt, samt mekanismer bak utvikling av IBD-relatert tarmkreft. I kliniske studier ser vi på effekten av medikamentmålinger ved biologisk behandling, behandling med intravenøst jern, mikrobiotas rolle og ekstrakorporal fotoferese som fremtidig behandlingsmulighet.
Leder: Jørgen Jahnsen, MD, PhD, professor og overlege, Akershus universitetssykehus Gastromedisinsk avdeling og UiO. E:
Barnegastroenterologisk forskningsgruppe arbeider med basalmedisinske og kliniske studier knyttet til mage-tarm- og tarmflora (mikrobiota). Hovedfokuset er inflammatorisk tarmsykdom (eng. IBD).
Interesseområder: Diagnostisering og karakterisering av IBD, prognose, skreddersydd behandling fra debut, biologisk behandling , ernæringsbehandling ved Crohns sykdom (EEN – eksklusiv enteral ernæring og CDED -Crohns Disease Exclusion Diet), tretthet og utmattelse (fatigue), og tarmfloraens (mikrobiomets) rolle.
Gruppen er engasjert i følgende studier:
Leder: Christine Olbjørn, MD, PhD, postdoktor og overlege, Akershus Universitetssykehus, Barne og ungdomsklinikken. E:
Gastroenterologisk forskningsgruppe arbeider med studier knyttet til mage-/tarm- og leversykdommer. Hovedfokuset er inflammatorisk tarmsykdom (eng. IBD).
Interesseområder: sykdomsutvikling og mekanismene bak dette, hva som kjennetegner pasienter som responderer godt på medisinsk behandling, biologisk behandling, tretthet og utmattelse (fatigue), tarmfloraens (mikrobiomets) rolle. Forskningen består av både basalmedisinske og kliniske studier.
Gruppen er engasjert i følgende studier:
Leder: Tore Grimstad, MD, PhD, overlege, førsteamanuensis Stavanger universitetssjukehus. E:
Gastroenterologisk seksjon på HUS har mange ulike forskningsgrupper med ulike interesseområder som bl.a fokuserer på irritabel tarm, bukspyttkjertel avansert endoskopi og inflammatorisk tarm (IBD).
Det er ingen egen forskningsgruppe for IBD ved HUS, men vi har forskningsprosjekter som inkluderer IBD-pasienter. Disse utgår i all hovedsak fra Nasjonalt kvalitets- og kompetansenettverk for gastroenterologisk ultralyd (NSGU: og Bergen Research Group for Ultrasound in Gastroenterology (BRUSE,
BIOSTOP-studien (seponering av biologisk behandling).
USE-IT studien (Internasjonal multisenterstudie organisert av IBUS, Helmsley USE-IT project – IBUS – International Bowel Ultrasound Group (
Kontaktperson: Kim Nylund MD, PhD, overlege, førsteamanuensis Haukeland Universitetssjukehus.
The focus for the inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) research group is clinical epidemiology, prognostic research and patient-reported outcomes research within IBD (Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis).
We organise and conduct large population-based cohort studies as well as local interventional and quality studies, and we use nationwide patient registries.
The IBD research group has a strong clinical affiliation and a broad network of collaborators in several research fields including epidemiology, health economy, biostatistics and medical informatics, patient reported outcomes research, study of the microbiome, genetics and nutrition.
Over the last years we have had a special interest in the changes in IBD treatment patterns, including the introduction and use of new targeted therapies at local, regional and national level.
Overlege, PhD
Levanger sykehus og NTNU
Overlege, PhD
Lovisenberg Diakonale Sykehus
Overlege, PhD
Akershus universitetssykehus
Overlege, Professor, PhD
Oslo universitetssykehus, Ullevål
Overlege, PhD
Haukeland universitetssjukehus
Overlege, Førsteamanuensis, Phd St. Olavs hospital og NTNU
Overlege, Førsteamanuensis, PhD Stavanger universitetssjukehus
Tore Grimstad, MD, PhD, overlege og førsteamanuensis, Stavanger universitetssjukehus.
Tar for seg behandlingsmål ved Crohns sykdom og gir en omfattende oversikt over symptomatisk, medikamentell- (inkludert konvensjonell og biologisk behandling) og kirurgisk behandling.
Hilde Løland von Volkmann, MD, PhD, overlege, Haukeland universitetssjukehus.
Her gis en oversikt over behandling ved ulcerøs kolitt (avhengig av grad av utbredelse og inflammasjon), både lokalbehandling, systemisk, biologisk og kirurgisk.
Christine Olbjørn, MD, PhD, overlege, barne og ungdomsklinikken, Akershus universitetssykehus.
Oversikt over hva som er annerledes hos barn med IBD, assosierte sykdommer som orofacial granulomatose, differensialdiagnoser, utredning og behandling, inkludert ernæringsterapi med eksklusiv enteral ernæring.
Petr Ricanek, MD, PhD, overlege, Akershus universitetssykehus.
Foredraget forklarer hva Crohns er, og gir oversikt over utredning, klassifikasjon/fenotyper og prognostiske faktorer.
Hilde Løland von Volkmann, MD, PhD, overlege, Haukeland universitetssjukehus.
Omhandler symptomer, differensialdiagnoser, utredning og klassifisering av ulcerøs kolitt.
Ignacio Catalán- Serra, MD, PhD, overlege, Levanger sjukehus.
Tar for seg symptomer ved Crohns sykdom og ulcerøs kolitt, (felles og spesifikke) komplikasjoner og ekstraintestinale manifestasjoner.
Ann Elisabet Østvik, MD, PhD, overlege og førsteamanuensis, St Olavs hospital
Foredraget går gjennom epidemiologi, miljøfaktorer, tarmflora, genetikk og immunresponser ved IBD.
Marte Lie Høivik, overlege og førsteamanuensis, Oslo universitetssykehset Ullevål.
Foredraget går gjennom epidemiologiske aspekter ved inflammatorisk tarmsykdom.